3 Tips for Continuing Training Your Puppy in Between Training Classes

Having your puppy trained by a professional can make a big difference in ensuring that your puppy gets the hang of a lot of different tricks and commands without trouble. When you return home in between training classes, however, you could run into an issue where you don't keep up with all the different training commands that you want them to learn.

To get the most out of training, consider the following tips that will keep your puppy learning.

Get Your Whole Family Involved

One of the most important things you can do to make sure that your puppy is able to remember the different tricks and commands that they're learning at training classes is having everyone in your home be involved.

Having each person treat the dog vastly differently can result in your puppy being confused and not being able to keep up with the different commands that they are learning in class. Having everyone involved can also be a fun way to bond as a family since you'll need to treat your puppy the same way together.

Have a Schedule Set for Training

One of the reasons that taking your puppy to a training class by professionals is so effective is since you'll be working with a specific schedule. Setting aside some time at home to take care of training your puppy every day can ensure that you have a set routine and that your puppy is able to stay focused during the allotted time that you're handling training every day.

If your puppy has a particularly low attention span, it may even best to separate two different training sessions each day so that your puppy is able to get a lot from these training sessions without getting as distracted.

Don't Skimp on Important Commands

While it can be tempting to get a bit more relaxed about different commands when home, it's important to recognize that some commands can be so important for getting your dog to behave. Commands such as stay and sit can be absolutely essential for keeping your puppy well behaved and avoiding issues where your puppy could fall behind in their training classes or being difficult to handle.

Taking care of some dog training at home is important when you're taking them to professional training and want to see the most progress possible. Instead of putting off training, you need to see what you can do to make sure that your puppy isn't going to fall behind.

If you are interested, look for dog obedience lessons in your area.
